
​Residency in Denmark (e.g. for work)

Are you looking to move to Denmark to work, research or study? Then you can apply for residency in Denmark in relation to a concrete job offer or educational course.​

​Application for residency for work

If you would like to reside and work in Denmark, then the first condition is that you have a concrete job offer in Denmark. There are different schemes you can follow to obtain residency:

  • ​Fast-track scheme
  • ​Pay Limit scheme
  • ​Positive Lists
  • ​Authorisation
  • ​Researcher etc.

Do you wish to start up a new business venture in Denmark? If you have an idea to build a business on, then you may be able to apply for residency while you develop your business. It is a condition that the Danish Business Authority’s panel of experts approves your idea, you must also be able to support yourself financially and you must work actively to develop your business.

Please beware that if you are an EU-citizen, then the EU-laws of free movement of workers applies to you.

Do you already work in Denmark?

Hvis du allerede arbejder i Danmark og har mistet din opholdstilladelse på baggrund af studier eller familiesammenføring, så har du mulighed for at få opholdstilladelse til at fortsætte dit arbejde.

You can apply for residency due to Labour Market attachment if you have worked full time in Denmark continuously for 2 years with the same employer. If you are a Turkish citizen, then the requirement is only 1 year of full time work due to the association agreement. There are also specific requirements to the payment of your salary. 

Have you finished your studies in Denmark and would like to continue working here? If so, then you can apply for an establishment card. It is a condition that you have finished a Masters- or Ph.D.-degree in Denmark, that you can support yourself financially, and that you apply for the establishment card within 1 year of having finished your degree.

How long does it take and how much is the official case fee?

The Danish Immigration Service has a case processing estimation of 10 months from the date when the application was submitted. The estimation is subject to alteration if the the Immigration Service requires supplementary documentation.​

The case fee is currently DKK 6.055.

If you are applying for work permit and residency thorugh the EU-legislation, then the case processing estimation varies between 6 months and 10 months. These applications require no case fee.

We assist with the application for residency

We assist you in the application process from beginning to end, including making sure that the application is filled out correctly, that all the necessary documentation are collected and that everything is sent properly. We assist with applications for residency in relation to both the Danish laws and the EU laws for the free movement of workers.

Read more about residency in Denmark on the Danish Immigration Service’s official website: https://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-GB.

Are you looking for assistance from a lawyer?

Please feel welcome to contact attorney Claus Emil Engel Johansen to hear more about your options regarding residency etc. ​Use the contact formula below – or call us at phone no. (+45) 86 13 06 00.

Få svar fra en specialist 

Udfyld formularen så vender vi tilbage hurtigst muligt. ​Du kan også ringe til os på telefon: 86 13 06 00 eller skriv på e-mail: info@askt.dk​.

Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

​​Ring og forklar os om din situation

Så kan vi fortælle, hvad vi som advokater kan gøre for at hjælpe dig - og hvad det koster. Ring til os på telefon: 86 13 06 00 eller skriv på e-mail: info@askt.dk​.​



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​E-mail: info@askt.dk

CVR: 32283012


​Sankt Knuds Torv

Ryesgade 31, 1., 8000 Aarhus C​​​


​Tlf.: 86 13 06 00

E-mail: info@askt.dk


​Det gamle posthus

Algade 44, 1. sal, 9000 Aalborg C​


Tlf.: 86 18 68 33​

E-mail: aalborg@askt.dk​


Parallelvej 9A,

8680 Ry


Tlf.: 86 89 33 88

E-mail: hfh@askt.dk

Kontorets telefoner er åbne: Mandag-torsdag 9.00-16.00 & fredag 9.00-15.00.